Feel free to enjoy my weekly columns as published in The Daily Maverick

80 - How to navigate living annuities, drawdown rates and volatile markets
1 min read

80 - How to navigate living annuities, drawdown rates and volatile markets

Investments, along with many other things in life, comes with its own myriad of risks. It's important to be aware of how your money grows and be able to make decisions based on your findings. Let's assess the world of annuities, drawdown rates and the volatility within the market together.

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79 - Navigating the costs of transferring ownership of inherited property
1 min read

79 - Navigating the costs of transferring ownership of inherited property

A question I've been asked recently is about the costs relating to the handing over of property that is bequeathed to a family member in a loved one's estate. Let's unpack this loaded situation together so that you know what the better angle is if you should end up in a similar position.

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78 - Beware of costly unintended consequences when drawing up a will
1 min read

78 - Beware of costly unintended consequences when drawing up a will

Sometimes in life the things we do could end up biting us where it hurts, and in the world of finances it's unforgiving. Here are a few things to consider when you draw up your will to avoid a snowball effect that could lead to impending disaster.

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77 - It’s easy to invest through a platform, but be aware of the costs
1 min read

77 - It’s easy to invest through a platform, but be aware of the costs

Often in life we're given a few options in various fields, and one of the main questions we always ask ourselves in convenience over costs, and in the investing world it can pop its head up as well. Let's discuss the pro's and con's related to this process, to give you as an investor some clarity and assurance in this regard.

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76 - Find the sweet spot between risk and reward on every investment
2 min read

76 - Find the sweet spot between risk and reward on every investment

As with many other things in life, the risk/reward factor within an investment perspective can be quite daunting, especially if you're running in blind. However, with a clear strategy and careful planning alongside your financial adviser, the worries concerning your risk/reward specifics can be alleviated, and you can put your trust in your time in the market versus trying to time the market.

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75 - The taxing question of retirement savings
1 min read

75 - The taxing question of retirement savings

We all work with the intention of retiring as comfortably as possible, but we often come across a few obstacles and worries, one of which being the question regarding the tax in relation to retirement savings. Let's take some time and discuss how you can navigate your way through this, from the implications regarding estate duty, to considering a combination of different annuity types.

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74 - The head vs heart approach to saving for your child’s education
1 min read

74 - The head vs heart approach to saving for your child’s education

When becoming a parent, your financial reach immediately broadens as you have an extra dependent. Often people decide to start saving for their children's education as soon as possible, but naturally, this isn't without its own unique challenges. Let's discuss the pro's and con's of making this decision using the "Head vs Heart" approach.

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73 - Why it’s a good idea to have 40% of assets invested offshore
1 min read

73 - Why it’s a good idea to have 40% of assets invested offshore

Offshore investing can seem like such a daunting prospect, and it isn't risk free by any means, but it's actually fairly easy and can improve your financial wellness significantly, Let's discuss offshore investing, and trusting the market and its patterns vs trying to time it and potentially losing out massively.

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72 - Reap the tax benefits of a carefully constructed succession plan
1 min read

72 - Reap the tax benefits of a carefully constructed succession plan

Running a business can be one of the most rewarding experiences, but should you want to step away from the business or retire you need a succession plan in place to pass the torch on to the next person while still extracting benefit. Let's address some of the things you need to put in place for this to be successful.

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71 - Consider the pros and cons of life and living annuities
2 min read

71 - Consider the pros and cons of life and living annuities

With the cost of living ever increasing, more people are finding that their monthly drawdowns aren't able to sustain their lives, from lifestyle choices to medical bills. However, with some clever working, you can have a plan set up that allows you to life comfortably while allowing your money to grow at the same time.

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70 - How to create a succession plan for your family business
2 min read

70 - How to create a succession plan for your family business

A family business is often a labour of love, and when the time comes for younger blood to take over the steers the owners can be a bit overwhelmed by the multitude of tax liabilities. Let's take some time and discuss what could lie ahead, and ways to navigate it.

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69 - Advice on drawdown rates, and living and life annuities
2 min read

69 - Advice on drawdown rates, and living and life annuities

For most people, all the terminology surrounding things in the financial space can be quite daunting. Let's take some time and discuss all there is to know about managing drawdown, and the pro's and con's of living and life annuities.

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