Feel free to enjoy my weekly columns as published in The Daily Maverick

164 - How to balance different needs when setting up a retirement income
1 min read

164 - How to balance different needs when setting up a retirement income

Setting up a retirement income is often a balancing act where we balance a monthly income, spouse’s pension and inheritance for children. There are a number of different toos you can use and choosing the right combination is crucial.

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163 - Beware of the tax implications of living overseas
1 min read

163 - Beware of the tax implications of living overseas

If you leave South Africa you will still be regarded as a tax payer until you let SARS know that you have left the country. This can have important tax consequences.

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161 - Upfront fees plus costs make for a bad investment
2 min read

161 - Upfront fees plus costs make for a bad investment

In most cases, some form of retirement savings is available through group schemes offered an employer. Unfortunately though, sometimes the people that set these up take a chance, and hide details in the fine print. Let's take some time and discuss what you should look out for, and uncover the truths hidden underneath.

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160 - Tax-efficient ways of bequeathing offshore assets
2 min read

160 - Tax-efficient ways of bequeathing offshore assets

As we've spoken about before, it's important to have some assets overseas if possible, as it diversifies your portfolio to optimise growth. However, what are the advantages of having it in a wrapper? Let's take some time and unpack this scenario, with special interest on inheraitance and taxation.

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159 - Ensuring all is in order for when you're no longer around
2 min read

159 - Ensuring all is in order for when you're no longer around

We all want to live our lives as comfortably as possible, but often don't think about what happens to our loved ones should we pass away, or don't take the necessary measures soon enough. Let's take some time and discuss the importance of this planning, and ensure a bright future for your loved ones after you're gone.

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158 - Getting more bang for your buck with your retirement monies
1 min read

158 - Getting more bang for your buck with your retirement monies

We often hear the term "make your money work for you", but very few people actually understand what it entails, and how to go about achieving it. Let's take some time and shed some light on this concept, using retirement monies as an example.

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157 - A late starter's guide to retirement savings
2 min read

157 - A late starter's guide to retirement savings

The idea of planning for retirement can seem like quite a daunting task, and often times, people leave it a bit later than they should. Then when it comes to crunch time, it can lead to much anxiety and stress. Let's take some time and discuss ways to circumvent this problem, should you find yourself in it.

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156 - How to reduce the risk of having all your investments in South Africa
3 min read

156 - How to reduce the risk of having all your investments in South Africa

If you lived overseas, you would not have all your investments in South Africa. By spreading your investments across countries, you can get better returns and reduce the risk in your portfolio

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155 - Making your retirement investments work for you
2 min read

155 - Making your retirement investments work for you

The phrase "make your money work for you" is thrown around very often, but most people don't really grasp the concept fully, or have the knowledge of what to do and what resources are available. Let's take some time and discuss what structures you can put in place to ensure a healthy financial standpoint and in turn "make your money work for you".

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154 - Choosing between two different annuity options
1 min read

154 - Choosing between two different annuity options

As we've discussed many times before, nothing in my line of work is "one size fits all"; everyone has a unique set of circumstances that must be taken into consideration when they make decisions. You need to be in a solution which works in line with your own goals and targets. A specific factor in this regard is deciding what type of annuity option to choose. Let's take some time to discuss the differences between living and life annuities, and where the strength lies within each option.

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153 - Beware financial advice that does not add value
1 min read

153 - Beware financial advice that does not add value

This industry is mostly filled with people who are eager to do the necessary for their clients to help them grow and achieve financial success. However, as with many other professions, every now and then there tends to be a snake in the grass. Let's take some time and discuss what you should be looking out for and how to go about picking the right options.

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