Feel free to enjoy my weekly columns as published in The Daily Maverick

140 - Situs tax: a potential thorn in the side if you're not careful
1 min read

140 - Situs tax: a potential thorn in the side if you're not careful

With many investors now adopting a more optimal approach with their investment strategy by having money offshore, an important thing to take note of is "situs tax". Let's take some time and discuss what it means, what implications it can have, and how it can be worked around with some careful consideration.

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139 - Beware possibility of exhausting the funds from a living annuity
1 min read

139 - Beware possibility of exhausting the funds from a living annuity

When you invest for retirement, the point is, as straightforward as it may sound, to invest for the long haul. However, having too high a drawdown rate could foil those plans and leave you stuck in the mud. Let's discuss how you could circumvent this issue and save your future before it's too late.

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138 - Helping you choose the right annuities to fit your needs
1 min read

138 - Helping you choose the right annuities to fit your needs

The idea of retiring and having all of your affairs in order can be quite daunting, and there's often much anxiety when it comes to decision-making in this regard. However, as the saying goes, there are many ways to skin a cat. Let's discuss some of the options that are available to ensure a prosperous retirement.

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137 - Spreading your wealth across various asset classes
1 min read

137 - Spreading your wealth across various asset classes

We've all heard of "not keeping all of your eggs in one basket", but is there any merit to it? If the single basket falls and the eggs inside break, you'd have no backup. Similarly, from a financial perspective, if your wealth is concentrated in a single investment space, any trouble in the waters could be devastating.

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136 - Familiarise yourself with the tax burden on investment returns
1 min read

136 - Familiarise yourself with the tax burden on investment returns

As investors we can easily get drawn towards a product that offers high returns, but then the tax burden hits and almost all of the hard work of the investment is nullified. Let's explore some options that are available in order to limit the effect of taxation within certain investments.

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135 - Being able to provide for your children should you and your partner pass away
1 min read

135 - Being able to provide for your children should you and your partner pass away

A massive concern that many young parents face is the scenario in which both they and their partners die together or shortly after each other, and that their young child will be left uncared for. Let's take some time and discuss solutions to circumvent this problem, which is not as big an eyesore as it may seem to be.

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134 - Recalibrating your finances when going through a divorce
1 min read

134 - Recalibrating your finances when going through a divorce

The process of divorce can be one of the most brutal and transformative experiences anyone can go through. As the saying goes, "the show must go on", but naturally that's a lot easier said than done. Let's talk strategically about the routes you should take should you be thrown into such unfortunate circumstances.

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133 - Making sure the ship stays afloat after you're gone
1 min read

133 - Making sure the ship stays afloat after you're gone

Something we devote a lot of our time worrying about is the question "will my family have enough money when I'm gone?". Well, with some clever planning and strategic decisions, this is very achievable. Let's take some time and explore the options that are available to you to take some weight off of your shoulders.

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132 - Trying to time the markets with your investments is not optimal
1 min read

132 - Trying to time the markets with your investments is not optimal

With the local elections on the horizon, people may be getting anxious about the safety of their invested monies, but it is crucial as an investor not to time the market and predict its movements. The patient approach is generally correct, especially if there is a cohesive strategy connected to your investments.

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131 - Addressing the financial implication of retrenchment
1 min read

131 - Addressing the financial implication of retrenchment

Retrenchment is never an easy topic to cover or to think about. However, as tough as it sounds, the way to act in this situation is to be proactive, especially when it comes to money matters. Knowing what time windows and choices are available to make changes if needed is priceless and could have a significant impact on your financial health and stability in the future.

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130 - Review your finances regularly, but be wary of ill intentions
1 min read

130 - Review your finances regularly, but be wary of ill intentions

It's always a good idea to review your finances on a regular basis with your financial adviser, but unfortunately for some people, what seems like a good rendering of services could just be a facade. Let's sit down and have a quick discussion for warning signs to look out for and what little things you can do to ensure your own financial health in tandem with your adviser.

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129 - How to set yourself up for retirement, even if you start a bit late
1 min read

129 - How to set yourself up for retirement, even if you start a bit late

Hitting your fifties with no retirement planning behind you? Don't worry, not all hope is lost. Naturally, it's ideal that you start saving for the day retirement rolls around as early as possible, but here is my advice on how you should tackle this situation, should you find yourself firmly in it.

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