Feel free to enjoy my weekly columns as published in The Daily Maverick

144 - Being savvy when choosing portfolios can improve your pension
1 min read

144 - Being savvy when choosing portfolios can improve your pension

Something I come across very often is that people more advanced in their years really struggle to keep up with the cost of living in our ever-modernising world. This is often due to the fact that their retirement monies aren't structured in such a way to ensure sustainability. Let's take a look at how some savvy decision making can increase your pension, and with that, your quality of life.

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139 - Beware possibility of exhausting the funds from a living annuity
1 min read

139 - Beware possibility of exhausting the funds from a living annuity

When you invest for retirement, the point is, as straightforward as it may sound, to invest for the long haul. However, having too high a drawdown rate could foil those plans and leave you stuck in the mud. Let's discuss how you could circumvent this issue and save your future before it's too late.

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138 - Helping you choose the right annuities to fit your needs
1 min read

138 - Helping you choose the right annuities to fit your needs

The idea of retiring and having all of your affairs in order can be quite daunting, and there's often much anxiety when it comes to decision-making in this regard. However, as the saying goes, there are many ways to skin a cat. Let's discuss some of the options that are available to ensure a prosperous retirement.

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128 - Using your RA as a vehicle to pay for your grandchild's education
1 min read

128 - Using your RA as a vehicle to pay for your grandchild's education

As one gets older and the family expands, your focus may shift and you may want to help your children put their little ones through school. With some clever structuring and know what to do with your assets, this is very achievable, even without costing an arm and a leg.

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122 - How utilising a living annuity can maximise the financial health of your heirs
1 min read

122 - How utilising a living annuity can maximise the financial health of your heirs

We often get so caught up into putting all our eggs in one basket, where with some careful consideration, a different approach can prove to be more fruitful.

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103 - How to get the best pension that lasts for your whole life
2 min read

103 - How to get the best pension that lasts for your whole life

What you should do to ensure that your pension will last.

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94 - How to ensure you are making the most of your living annuity
1 min read

94 - How to ensure you are making the most of your living annuity

Opening a discussion about living annuities, factoring how the markets acted and reacted in the past year, and how to make the most out of your asset.

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71 - Consider the pros and cons of life and living annuities
2 min read

71 - Consider the pros and cons of life and living annuities

With the cost of living ever increasing, more people are finding that their monthly drawdowns aren't able to sustain their lives, from lifestyle choices to medical bills. However, with some clever working, you can have a plan set up that allows you to life comfortably while allowing your money to grow at the same time.

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69 - Advice on drawdown rates, and living and life annuities
2 min read

69 - Advice on drawdown rates, and living and life annuities

For most people, all the terminology surrounding things in the financial space can be quite daunting. Let's take some time and discuss all there is to know about managing drawdown, and the pro's and con's of living and life annuities.

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11. How not to run out of money when you have a living annuity
2 min read

11. How not to run out of money when you have a living annuity

What you can do when your life annuity draw downs start using up your capital

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5. Living annuities
2 min read

5. Living annuities

What to do if you start using up the capital of your living annuity

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