Feel free to enjoy my weekly columns as published in The Daily Maverick

88 - Set up a separate entity for your business to keep it running after you’re gone
1 min read

88 - Set up a separate entity for your business to keep it running after you’re gone

Owning and running your own business can be one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences that anyone can face. It is however important to have a plan in place that your business can continue to function and provide for your family should you pass away.

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70 - How to create a succession plan for your family business
2 min read

70 - How to create a succession plan for your family business

A family business is often a labour of love, and when the time comes for younger blood to take over the steers the owners can be a bit overwhelmed by the multitude of tax liabilities. Let's take some time and discuss what could lie ahead, and ways to navigate it.

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